Healing power of meditation is well known and documented over the centuries. Meditation forms the core of alternative healing therapies in the east while they are well know to the western world as a form of relaxation.
Alternative therapy is not alternative medicine or a method of treating disease. It is a way of life. Alternative therapies are a wholesome, holistic and natural way of living.
Meditation is one such system of alternative therapy. Meditation helps in achieving a perfect state of equilibrium of the mind and the body. Meditation apart from the esoteric and the mystique connotations, offers perfect rest for the heart and the brain. In this moment of deep rest, every cell is permeated with and charged by the energy conserved due to the restfulness.
Anyone can meditate irrespective of age and state of health. All it requires is a little practice. Sitting comfortably on any even surface without discomfiture is all you require to get started with meditation.
Relax consciously and focus your entire concentration on your breathing. When you focus on the breath, within minutes it starts to slow down and deeper levels of relaxation is achieved. As your mind is pinpointed on your breath, mind slows down and no extraneous thoughts flow through your mind. Disharmonic patterns vanish. A feeling of timelessness and perfection is achieved.
Time is a distorting element with the past and present creating a separation. The mind jumps from the past to the future which is yet to be born. This dissipates the mental energies which is the creative force. Meditation brings everything into oneness and a sense of just being in the present. When you are totally centered in the present just absorbing what is rather than what was and what would be you are able to create the a world undistorted by the past or future and creative energies can unleashed to accomplish healing in all aspects.
Daily meditation can help you to develop your immunity. Your mind is healthy and positive. Stress and tensions are relieved. You are able to focus better. Meditation helps develop the ability to think and translate thoughts into action due to focusing and directing your energies where you require it.
November 12, 2005
November 07, 2005
Obesity Leads to Higher Health Risks
Obesity as an epidemic is now common news. Americans lead the pack with more than 60 million people dangerously obese costing the nation and its people billions in healthcare and loss in productivity. The rest of the world is not far behind. What happens to a nation which is obese unproductive and and a drain on the family and society in terms of health care cost. Is one of the persons pulling down your family and the nation deeper into economic catastrophe?
So what happens as you keep adding those pounds to your body.
One of the major health problems you encounter with increasing fat is the problem of diabetes. The body’s capacity to break down sugars and thereby providing proper nutrients and energy is reduced.
Increasing waistlines is also associated with an increased risk of kidney disease. 5% of the Overweight people kidney related problems. Even an increase of 10 % in weight leads to related kidney disorders.
So think well before tucking in those extra calories. Would you rather have temporary pleasures and long term pain? Think about it.
So what happens as you keep adding those pounds to your body.
One of the major health problems you encounter with increasing fat is the problem of diabetes. The body’s capacity to break down sugars and thereby providing proper nutrients and energy is reduced.
Increasing waistlines is also associated with an increased risk of kidney disease. 5% of the Overweight people kidney related problems. Even an increase of 10 % in weight leads to related kidney disorders.
So think well before tucking in those extra calories. Would you rather have temporary pleasures and long term pain? Think about it.
November 06, 2005
Proactive Medicine
Alternative therapies are gaining ground. All therapies are more useful as a preventive rather as a cure. Though there have been plenty of empirical evidence of the effectivesess of alternate therapies, clinical trials are still few. However what is assured in alternative therapies is the assurance of negligible side effects. WhileHere is an interesting concept of alternative therapies as proactive medicine.
"Proactive medicine on the other hand aims to maintain homeostasis. That is, it aims to maintain health on the physical, mental and emotional levels. The principle behind proactive medicine is prevention is better than cure. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, patients used to visit their doctors while they were well and healthy and they paid the doctor for his/her services, however, if a patient became ill the treatments were free. The assumption being that the doctor did not do his/her job properly and therefore the patient become ill. Luckily, this is no longer the case, even in China." Read more...
"Proactive medicine on the other hand aims to maintain homeostasis. That is, it aims to maintain health on the physical, mental and emotional levels. The principle behind proactive medicine is prevention is better than cure. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, patients used to visit their doctors while they were well and healthy and they paid the doctor for his/her services, however, if a patient became ill the treatments were free. The assumption being that the doctor did not do his/her job properly and therefore the patient become ill. Luckily, this is no longer the case, even in China." Read more...
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