December 08, 2005

Conquer Pain Naturally

Don't pop that pill or spend hundreds of dollars in trying out all kinds of treatments. Here is a handbook, Natural Pain Management that can be very handy when it comes to different kinds of pain due to chronic problems. Once you understand what causes your pain you can explore some of the alternative methods for dealing with your pain.
Discover treatments for conditions like:

Back pain
Chronic headaches
Irritable bowel syndrome
Aching joints
Muscle pain

There are alternative therapies that are very effective for specific conditions. If you have ever wondered about the efficacy of alternative therapies, this is another area that is explored in Natural Pain Management. Some of these therapies are:

Acupuncture and acupressure
Massage Therapy
Tai Chi
Herbal Therapies
Magnetic Therapy

When it comes to you pain, there is no such thing as "one size fits all." No one reacts to pain in the same way, just as no one reacts to any type of illness identically.

There are thousands of people who have made the decision and learned how to manage their healthcare with alternative therapies.

Instead of popping another pill, isn't it about time that you investigated alternative methods to dealing with your pain? You can do that with Natural Pain Management.

Whether for yourself or a loved one, don't hesitate. Take control and learn how to deal with your pain today!

November 12, 2005

Healing Power of Meditation

Healing power of meditation is well known and documented over the centuries. Meditation forms the core of alternative healing therapies in the east while they are well know to the western world as a form of relaxation.

Alternative therapy is not alternative medicine or a method of treating disease. It is a way of life. Alternative therapies are a wholesome, holistic and natural way of living.

Meditation is one such system of alternative therapy. Meditation helps in achieving a perfect state of equilibrium of the mind and the body. Meditation apart from the esoteric and the mystique connotations, offers perfect rest for the heart and the brain. In this moment of deep rest, every cell is permeated with and charged by the energy conserved due to the restfulness.

Anyone can meditate irrespective of age and state of health. All it requires is a little practice. Sitting comfortably on any even surface without discomfiture is all you require to get started with meditation.

Relax consciously and focus your entire concentration on your breathing. When you focus on the breath, within minutes it starts to slow down and deeper levels of relaxation is achieved. As your mind is pinpointed on your breath, mind slows down and no extraneous thoughts flow through your mind. Disharmonic patterns vanish. A feeling of timelessness and perfection is achieved.

Time is a distorting element with the past and present creating a separation. The mind jumps from the past to the future which is yet to be born. This dissipates the mental energies which is the creative force. Meditation brings everything into oneness and a sense of just being in the present. When you are totally centered in the present just absorbing what is rather than what was and what would be you are able to create the a world undistorted by the past or future and creative energies can unleashed to accomplish healing in all aspects.

Daily meditation can help you to develop your immunity. Your mind is healthy and positive. Stress and tensions are relieved. You are able to focus better. Meditation helps develop the ability to think and translate thoughts into action due to focusing and directing your energies where you require it.

November 07, 2005

Obesity Leads to Higher Health Risks

Obesity as an epidemic is now common news. Americans lead the pack with more than 60 million people dangerously obese costing the nation and its people billions in healthcare and loss in productivity. The rest of the world is not far behind. What happens to a nation which is obese unproductive and and a drain on the family and society in terms of health care cost. Is one of the persons pulling down your family and the nation deeper into economic catastrophe?

So what happens as you keep adding those pounds to your body.

One of the major health problems you encounter with increasing fat is the problem of diabetes. The body’s capacity to break down sugars and thereby providing proper nutrients and energy is reduced.

Increasing waistlines is also associated with an increased risk of kidney disease. 5% of the Overweight people kidney related problems. Even an increase of 10 % in weight leads to related kidney disorders.

So think well before tucking in those extra calories. Would you rather have temporary pleasures and long term pain? Think about it.

November 06, 2005

Proactive Medicine

Alternative therapies are gaining ground. All therapies are more useful as a preventive rather as a cure. Though there have been plenty of empirical evidence of the effectivesess of alternate therapies, clinical trials are still few. However what is assured in alternative therapies is the assurance of negligible side effects. WhileHere is an interesting concept of alternative therapies as proactive medicine.

"Proactive medicine on the other hand aims to maintain homeostasis. That is, it aims to maintain health on the physical, mental and emotional levels. The principle behind proactive medicine is prevention is better than cure. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, patients used to visit their doctors while they were well and healthy and they paid the doctor for his/her services, however, if a patient became ill the treatments were free. The assumption being that the doctor did not do his/her job properly and therefore the patient become ill. Luckily, this is no longer the case, even in China." Read more...

October 24, 2005

Nutrition Overview. Helpful nutritional information and special diets.

Healthy eating is easier said than followed. The moment we feel tired, depressed, bored or frustrasted, we reach for those salty chips or creamy chocolates which puts in phenomenal amounts of calories into our systems. knowing about the foods that can help us to buidl a healthy life is the first step. Learn all about diets and food guide pyramid. A storehouse of information is available at Nutrition Overview. Helpful nutritional information and special diets.: "Know Your Fats. There are different kinds of fats in our foods. Some can hurt our health, while others aren't so bad! Some are even good for you!"

October 23, 2005

Health Fitness, Exercise Can Help Relieve Stress

Health Fitness, Exercise Can Help Relieve Stress
by Shaan Randow
Exercise may not be the most exciting word in your vocabulary, but it sure has a lot of benefits.
Participating in daily exercise not only makes us healthier in general, it can diminish the effects of stress on our bodies as well.
How many times have you heard someone proclaim, “The doctor says it’s stress.” ? We occasionally laugh it off, concluding that’s just what doctors say when they don’t know the real answer or diagnosis. But the truth of the matter is that too much stress plays a role in many diseases.
To increase your immune system and decrease your stress levels, try some daily exercise. Movement is the key word here. Bend, stretch, reach, walk. And there’s no need necessarily to buy expensive equipment. You can implement more movement into your daily routine and reap the benefits.
If you’re keen on aerobic exercise, grab a partner and have a blast with one of the basic aerobic videos. Or simply go out for a walk and enjoy spending time together. You’ve heard it dozens of times –walking really is the best overall excise for your health. As long as you have a decent pair of walking shoes, you’re in business! Also, as you’re going throughout your daily activities, make it a point to walk a little further, bend down and pick something up instead of using some sort of pick up stick or knocking the item toward you with your foot. While you’re sitting, do some simple stretches for your neck and shoulders.
If you enjoy watching television, buy a jogging board. These padded boards make running, jumping or walking in place less stressful on your knees and joints. They’re easy to store and portable. In my opinion, jogging boards are the best piece of exercise equipment you can buy. And they’re far cheaper than bulky treadmills and stationary bikes, too! By making it a point to move more throughout the day, you boost your body’s immunity and stay healthier in general. There’s no reason to allow stressful situations to take a toll on your health.
About The Author: This article courtesy of

October 18, 2005

Health Analyst Blog

I came across this great blog on health and nutrition just moments ago and I could not but add this post immediately inspite of a long and tiring day. We health oriented folks do have plenty of energy still left, I guess.

The Health Analyst blog has so much content that I think I would have to spend a few hours browsing through them. The benefits of different juices, herbal dietary supplements, information on antioxidants and natural health just have to take a look without wasting any further time.

So good health to you and happy reading.

October 13, 2005

Staying Fit & Healthy

Happiness in life starts with a healthy life. To maintain good health you need a little bit of discipline. Small descipline in healthy eating habits, moderate exercises and maintaining a lifestyle in keeping with the natural and clean environmental factors can take one a long way to a happy healthy life.

The power of exercise and activites cannot be ignored if you want a disease free life. Regular exercise is associated with reduced risk of many chronic desease. Check out a phenomenal array of health and fitness and articles and resources at Medicine Net.

Do read the article 13 Ways of Staying Fit When There Is No Time to Exercise. This is by far one of the best health sites I have come across.

October 12, 2005

Mineral Supplement: Minerals in Your Diet!

Mineral Supplement: Minerals in Your Diet!
by Ashley Green

The food is the raw material for the body. Minerals are one of the important components of human nutrition. Minerals are grouped under two categories macro (the ones which we need in large amounts) and trace (the ones ne need in small amounts).

Here are some minerals which should be an important part of your diet.

Calcium: It is used for bone formation, muscle movement (cramps may result from calcium deficiency) and burning fat (some studies point towards taking calcium to lose weight).Over consumption of protein leads to calcium loss from the bones.

It is usually found in large quantities in dairy products, sea food with bones, non-vegetarian foods, soy/tofu and green leafy vegetables.

Must Read: Learn how calcium promotes weight loss at

Phosphorus: It is required for formation of genetic material, bones, maintaining the acid base balance, and for metabolism.

It is found in legumes and nuts.

Sodium: Very important to maintain the fluid levels and acid base balance of the body. Perspiration vomiting, loose motions etc tend to upset the acid base balance. People with iodine deficiency can additionally use sea kelp which is also good source of iron
It is found in small quantities in most foods. The best sources are rock salt and sea salt.

Must Visit: Low Sodium Recipes at

Potassium: It helps maintain the water balance in the body, maintains blood pressure, nerve impulses. People with kidney problems need to be very careful about potassium levels.
Some foods which are good sources are banana, melons,potatoes,tomato and orange.

Zinc: It is responsible for fertility, skin, hair and is part of many enzymes.

It is found in nuts, whole grains, legumes and non-vegetarian foods.

Iodine: It is responsible for being a part of the hormonal system and many hypothyroids may benefit from consuming natural forms like sea kelp.

It is also found in the iodised variety of salts.

Copper: A trace metal found in many foods. It is needed for manufacturing haemoglobin and many enzymes.

Copper is also available when water is stored in a copper vessel overnight and consumed in the morning.

Must Visit: Vitamin Supplement Information: Educate yourself before you buy them at

Fluoride: Essential for dental health.

Found in water.

Must Read: Study proves that Calcium reduce Premenstrual Syndrome by 60%. Learn more at

About the Author:

Ashley Green: for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health. Look out for highly effective and safe mineral supplement at

October 09, 2005

A Report on Alternative Therapy

Complementary and alternative therapies are based on empirical evidence rather than clinical trials. That is not to say that clinical trials do not exist. Alternative therapy is an area of widespread research. What was known to mankind for millenniums is only now coming to the fore due to the failure of modern medicine to treat the disease from the root. Modern medicine also suffers from dangerous side effects which may may be more lethal than the treatment.

“A report commissioned by the Prince of Wales has found that complementary medicine should be more widely available on the NHS, as it benefits both the nation's health and economy.” Read the complete article.

September 29, 2005

Weight Loss Advice

Weight loss medication is playing havoc with the health of the desperate weight losers. Research has indicated that many of the people try to buy prescription weight loss drugs from unscrupulous pharmacists who sell them over the counter especially undeveloped countries.

It is advisable to go in for supplements which would help the body to get essential nutrients without adding calories. Prescription drugs are meant for extremely obese who need medical intervention and should be taken only on expert advice. Reading about health related subject by experts could help one in avaoiding misleading initiatives on reducung weight.

If you are looking for a quick fix all you need do is go in for lifestyle changes including regular exercise and and nutritional diets.

The better and safer option for fighting the battle of weight and maintaining fitness is to go for alternative therapies and herbal health products.

September 28, 2005

Your Weight Loss Goals

I have always been passionate about helping people to lose weight. Not because I obese. But the scourge of obesity is all too visible and the world is fast heading for economic catastrophy if people don't shed those extra pounds accumulating around them. Losing weight is also not too difficult if you just follow a clearly defined path. This is an interesting weight losss article I just came by and it sure is not too much trouble to follow.

What Are You Willing To Do To Achieve
Your Weight Loss Goals
By Rob Cooper

What are you willing to do to achieve your weight loss goals?

I’m approached quite regularly about which diet is best, which book would I recommend and what exercise program should a person follow. People think they can just purchase a book to read and then some sort of magic occurs whereby reading it will cause their fat to magically disappear. Well, I’m here to break the news to you, the $40 investment in your weight loss book is just the start, there’s a lot of hard work and other expenses involved.

Time Investment

There’s time invested in your education (reading, watching videos etc), time you’ll spend exercising doing both cardio and weight training. There’s time spent creating your new meal plans as well as preparation of those meals the day before or days in advance. There’s time involved in doing extra laundry because you’re suddenly doing more exercising now on your weight loss journey.

Let me ask you this: What’s your favorite television show? How much television are you watching in a given week? 1 Hour? Six? Are you willing to eliminate television to allow yourself time to go to the gym and prepare foods for the next day? If not, then don’t bother buying books that recommend food and exercise programs? It takes time to prepare food for 5 or 6 meals in a day and to go to the gym once or twice a day. Weight loss requires a time investment.

Food Investment

The quality of the food you put in your body is directly proportional to the quality of your cells. It’s your cells that create energy and make your various bodily systems run, and if they’re given the best quality food, then they’re able to regenerate and be healthy.

Conversely, low quality food creates a low quality cell. A low quality cell is not up to the demand of generating energy nor the proper removal of wastes which then results in sickness and disease.

In conversation with a fellow regarding his food program and how he could make corrections to his diet to improve his health, burn fat, improve his workouts and achieve his weight loss goal, I suggested a few “new” products. Oatmeal, some whole grain wraps, spring mix salad, and Essential Fatty Acid, Almond butter and whole grain basmati rice were a few places to begin.

“You didn’t tell me how expensive it was going to be!” was his response.
Well, I don’t consider it expensive, so I would not have said that it was.

Our cells are our power plants in our body. Our body is constantly rebuilding itself daily and hourly. Our skeleton replaces itself once a year and the muscular lining of our stomach and our intestines is replaced every 3 to 4 days so it only makes sense to give it the highest quality food.

Doesn’t it?

You’re probably going to come to the same conclusion that most other people do. The food I put in my body creates a healthy body and I must take care in my food choices.

Whole grain oatmeal costs more money than cocoa puffs. Raw almonds cost more than hickory smoked almonds and you probably never knew what Essential Fats or Pro Biotics were. Weight loss requires an investment in food.

Cutting Expenses To Reach Your Goal

If you’re not able to increase the amount of food you eat financially or the quality of the food you eat (organic), then what are you willing to do to get it. Are you willing to cut some other costs? Are you willing to increase your sales at your job or home business to be able to afford this new change? The first reasonable step is to make some switches or replacements. Take note of non nutritional foods in your day - consider snacks, junk foods, coffee, pop, cigarettes (I hope you’re not still smoking), milk or dairy products, alcohol, vitamins, tums, Rolaids, pepto bismol etc and see how much you’re spending on a daily or monthly basis. Are you willing to replace these for higher quality nutritional foods that will support you in your weight loss goals? It can be a scary thought for some people. Others accept the challenge readily because they’ve truly committed to their weight loss goals and are willing to do Whatever It Takes! Switching and replacing is the easiest thing to do. Weight Loss requires sacrifice.

Invest in Yourself

Your body, your mind, your soul and becoming the best you can be is the single best investment you can make. Make the decision to eat the cleanest food you can, make the healthiest choices you can, begin to switch from non nutritional foods to nutritional foods and let go negativity in your life. Weight loss is easy, but requires some investment.

Eat Well, Be Well Rob Cooper

Rob Cooper shares the secrets to his 300 pound fat loss sothat you too can lose weight, get and remain healthy.Subscribe to his newsletter for simple, effective tips.

Article Source:

Well! Does losing weight now seems too simple? Don't forget you have to still work on it.

September 24, 2005

Oriental Medicine - Power of Ganoderma

Ganoderma, a rare variety of Mushroom credited with the highest medicinal qualities by the classic Chinese ‘Seng Nong’ is indeed a subject of much research from the ancient china of 100 B.C. or earlier to the modern times by various universities and research organizations. It is also known as Linghzi in China and Reishi in Japan.

It is said that in the ancient times anyone who found the rare Linghzi never revealed the place and kept it a secret of health, longevity and wealth. The Japanese revered the herb as ‘God’s Herb’ where it is known as Reishi.

Lingzhi in medicine was considered so auspicious that its medical efficacy has been attested to in the oldest Chinese medical text (over 2,000 years old). The book, which is known in Japan as "Shinnoh Honsohkyo", is now accepted as being the original textbook of Oriental medical science. In it, 365 kinds of medicines are classified and explained. Ganoderma is classified as “Superior Herb” or "God's Herbs" and they are for perpetual youth and longevity. The book states that for "superior" medicines, any amount can be taken as desired on a continuous basis with no unfavorable effects. Of the superior medicines listed in the text, Lingzhi was rated number one. You can see how important and powerful Lingzhi was considered in ancient times. It achieved its ranking in the Chinese text not because of its symbolic importance as a good omen but because of its medicinal properties. Centuries ago, Lingzhi was said to be a medicine that would grant you eternal youth and longevity.

But after 2,000 years, Lingzhi has jumped into the spotlight as a specific medicine for cancer. This must be a bitter irony for those in the modern medical profession who discounted the herbal remedies and oriental medicine as being “old wives' tales". The families of many cancer patients who have received a diagnostic "death sentence" now seek reishi as the only way left for them.

The Linghzi Mushrooms grows only on old tree barks with specific conditions difficult to replicate.

Till 1971 the herb was so rare that it was hardly sited except in mountainous areas. Many researchers had attempted to plant Ganoderma artificially but failed. Till in 1971 directed by Naoi Department of Agriculture and Professor Zenzaburo Kasai, Kyoto University made a breakthrough in its cultivation.

Presently the herb is grown only by 10 countries. The demand far outstrips supply due to the increasing evidence through various researches on its efficacy in treating many disease including Cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Liver disorders and mainly as a preventive due its rich anti oxidant and detoxifying qualities.

Some of the research in Japan indicates that those that have taken Ganoderma for over a year the visit to doctors dropped into half. There are thousands of research paper available including on the internet on the subject of the healing breakthroughs achieved by Ganoderma in various treatments and too lengthy to discuss here. However we can highlight the research in short.
Summarized from these reports, it is found that Lingzhi have the following properties:

Improves cholesterosis, coronary insufficiency.

Improves hyper and hypotensions.

Improves nervous tension, neurosis.

Improves chronic bronchitis, hepatitis.

Improves leukocytopenia and reticuloendothelial system.

Effective in numerous other ailments.

The three major killers these days are: cancer, cerebrosis and coronary diseases. The latter two
have their etiology closely linked to the blood circulatory system. Related problems like stroke, heart block, arteriosclerosis, obesity etc. are all tied to problems in the blood circulation. One out of three persons dies from one of the above ailments everyday.

Lingzhi can correct this imbalance and strengthen the system to prevent further deterioration.
What are noteworthy are its preventive capabilities. For the 21st century man, stressed out, poisoned by the polluted atmosphere, wrong food habits and drug induced illnesses of the modern medicine. While modern medicine has been very effective in treating certain conditions effectively and immediately, they do not address the holistic approach of the ancient medicine as a preventive and for regeneration of wasted tissues and damaged cells.

In conclusion, Ganoderma has been proven to exert significant effect on diminishing pain, fortifying the body's immune system and prolonging life. Even though its role in cancer control has not been determined 100 percent yet.

Ganoderma has a history of 3,000 years, during which time it is widely used by many people with no reported unfavorable side effects. It is therefore highly recommend for prevention. I hope that people from all walks of life will take a concerned interest and share in development of Herbal treatments. Hopefully, with so much research and emerging evidence, Ganoderma can bring a brighter outlook to the human race in the conquest of longevity.

Article copyright of R.G. Srinivasan

September 20, 2005

Herbs – Natures Potent Remedies

Use of herbs for health and as a medicine has a history dating back to man’s evolution on the planet. From times immemorial, man has experimented and used botanicals to heal and provide remedial treatments.

Ancient cultures from India, China and Japan have remarkable history of herbal use which part of the pharmacopoeia of these cultures. While the herbs have been extensively, there are very little clinical experiments until about 100 years back. However, there is an extensive and exhaustive empirical evidence of the efficacy of various herbal treatments.
In the last century, there has been an increased interest in herbal remedies due to its cost effectiveness and non-toxic nature. Herbs are generally safe to use as medicine in or general tonic for maintaining good health.

Herbal products are derived from botanical sources. Most of the herbal products are safe to use for its nutritional value. For medicinal purposes, it is better to check out the source and labels to ascertain safety, evidence of its healing properties and whether the herbs are safe for general consumption.

World health organization has estimated that 80 % of the world population uses some or the other herbs for health and healing. Increasing research is throwing up clinical evidence for its efficacy in prevention of various modern day problems such as cancer, diabetes, nervous disorders and blood pressure. Most of the herbal products available today are conveniently processed and packed as herbal tea or coffee, and in the form of capsules as nutritional food. While products labeled as nutritional supplements are safe to use it is best to consult a physician for treatment of disease.

To check the details of the efficacy and what to consume or what not to consume it is best to refer to the website of American health Products Association

copyright © of R.G. Srinivasan

September 18, 2005

First step toward a healthier lifestyle

Have you have been wondering what constitutes a healthy lifestyle? The answere seemingly simplisitc it may be is walking and some more walking. I have been able to maintain a reasonable good health because I have made it a part of my lifestyle. Walking steps to a healthier lifestyle is a well written article on the subject.

There is also the other important ingredient to a healthy lifestyle.

Recognition is first step toward a healthier lifestyle
By: MICHELLE ROTELL - For the North County Times

The hardest part of starting a workout and nutrition program is the first step.Recognizing that you are in need of a healthier lifestyle means you have to admit that you are heading down the wrong path. You have to then admit that you have made mistakes along the way ---- and no one likes to admit they have made mistakes.

Read the complete article

September 15, 2005

Obesity & Weight Management Is a Social Issue

Much has been written about obesity and globesity. Obesity is perhaps the biggest drain on any nations economic resources with a mind-boggling costs to which researchers are yet to put a final figure. But the estimates run into trillions of dollars across the world.

Governments across the world is mired in deep bureaucratic mechanisms to do anything more than put out food guidelines. Even this does not reach the intended public.

The issue needs to be tackled massively by the society that has spawned the problem in the first place.

So what are the social alternatives?

Dissemination of Information

This perhaps could be biggest tool to use against the fight for obesity control. Every institution from schools and collages to corporate have to disseminate, nay flood their audience with information on obesity and weight control, its evils, cost to individuals and food guidelines to control obesity. The stakes now are too high for everyone for the issue to be left to government alone to tackle.

Social Boycott of Fast food joints

A massive campaign especially aimed at the youth on the perils of a fast food culture and how it is eating into the very vitals of a healthy society. The campaign may include ‘No Fast Food’ days, creation of nutritional communities and clubs that actively protest the opening of new fast food joints in the local community. Nutritional communities may bring pressure on the fast food companies to put out nutritional information on the food they serve.

Promote Physical Activities

Every one especially children must be educated on the benefits of increased physical activities. The computer and television has been a major inhibitor of good health among children and adults alike. The community should raise funds to promote physical culture events and create awareness through public interest advertising.

Lobby the Government

There should be an effective lobbying to legislate laws against fast food and junk food companies, carbonated drinks and beverages that promote high calorie junk full of toxic chemicals disguised as fruit juices.

Promote Health foods and herbal nutrition

Traditionally herbal food supplements have less cause to create trouble. Increase awareness about Herbal food items and herbal nutritional supplements that promote physical wellness, build immunity and helps in reducing body fat. Awareness of the health effects and the bio friendly nature of herbal food supplements would definitely help in combating the problem largely.

Its time for the society to act to control the menace of obesity, take responsibility so that our future generations may lead a better and more qualitative life and enjoy the fruits of all the modern scientific developments.

This article is copyright © of R.G. Srinivasan

September 11, 2005

Depression And Your Health

The major health hazard of modern living is depression. Fast pace life, stress filled job, social tensions and pressures all lead to ontense depressions leading one to even contemplate suicide. Here is a wonderful link on how to prevent depressions.

"5 Super Effective Tips To Kill Depression

Being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. We get sad when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. Depression, however, could be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render life-long consequences that could ruin your self-esteem, health, and well-being."

Depression And You:

You can also take a self assesment test to find out how depressed you are and may be even take the results to your doctor for consultation.

September 10, 2005

Weight-Loss Discovery May Help Millions of Dieters!

Hoodia seems to be all the rage with the obese and weight watchers. The desperate slimmers and obese of the world may have just hit upon a new plant source which is supposed to kill hunger and attacks obesity by broinging down your food intake by as much as 1000 calories.

Hoodia belongs to a category of plant called 'succulents.' It actually looks like a cactus and has the consistency of a cucumber when eaten raw. However, the Kalahari Bushmen don't eat Hoodia for the taste.
For many years, the plant has been a dietary mainstay for hunters on long trips. It helps them ward off pain, hunger and thirst while on hunting expeditions. "

Click on the links to all the Hoodia stories below.

Read the complete story here.

Check out what CBS newstory as well

However a word of warning. This is not a recommendation. Please check all your facts before trying any new dieting or sliimming therapies.

A Holistic Approach to Health & Fitness

World Health Organization has observed that obesity has now reached epidemic proportions globally. More number of people are dying due to obesity and resultant disease. Weight loss and fitness is not just an issue of shedding a few pounds and pumping up the muscles temporarily and losing it all the moment we stop whatever program we are in. It is a total lifestyle change involving the body, mind and spirit.

The systemic approach of the modern science has spawned the huge sickness industry which while bringing relief from much complex disease does not address the fundamentals of wellness which is prevention. The progress of medical science does bring relief from pain and to some extent healing which is however a natural mechanism of the body aided by medicine. Given sufficient time and proper nourishment the body is able to address the problem and heal by itself.

The basis of all ayurvedic and natural therapies of ancient times were based on the simple principle of assisting and providing the body with natural and organic nutrients to stimulate the biological mechanism towards total healing instead of just addressing the symptoms. The role of various herbs especially herbs like Ganoderma, rich in anti oxidants and over 200 components with healing properties cannot be over emphasized.

The ancient system is an integrated system to create wholeness in body, mind and spirit. One without addressing the other aspects could only address part of the problem. This is true of the modern medical system which addresses the physiology and not the mind and the spirit. A complete human being is an amalgam of all three and not just a physical mass.

Recent research has conclusively established the role of mind and the spirit in all healing process. The science of Yoga and Meditation now plays a crucial role in all therapies which involves creating wellness as opposed to treating sickness.

All who are interested in weight loss, fitness, anti ageing and general good health must address the following questions:

What are my health goals? Is it treating sickness or working towards wellness?

Do I require all these unhealthy fast foods and snacks which give immediate gratification but long term pain?

Am I in rhythm with nature which is doing simple things like early to bed and early to rise, less automation and more physical work and activities, relaxing when the body sends out signals of stress and tiredness, maintaining cleanliness and avoiding all modern mores which prevents the body from recouping and rebuilding?

Do we want our children to be brought up as couch potatoes leading moronic and violent lives and growing into mentally and physically unhealthy adults creating an unbalanced society?

If the answer to all these questions is a big NO then we must begin the process now or it would be too late for all of us and the global society which is mindlessly adding up junk in every aspect in the name of growth and progress.

We must begin a process of a total lifestyle change which is natural, holistic and healthy.


September 06, 2005

Alternative Therapies: What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing in which a properly attuned Reiki Practitioner serves as a conduit for Universal Life Force (or Reiki).

The Reiki practitioner opens them self up as a conduit for a semi-sentient energy summoned from a higher source to facilitate healing or correct a person�s aura. The Reiki Practitioner is not a healer per se � but the energy moves through them to work with the recipient�s higher will in correcting imbalances and treating situations from the core causal point rather than the effect.

This is thought to have a beneficial effect on the body, mind, and spirit, emotional and in Indian systems - the chakra system.

Everything in the universe is thought to have an underlying energy that gives it form, structure, health, strength and autonomy.

This invisible, but formidable force is called the Chi by Chinese mystics and martial artists and referred to as Prana by Indian masters and healers. It is also called �orgone energy� and the practice itself is also described by the names Chi Gong and Polarity therapy.

Whatever you want to call it, the word Reiki literally means �Universal Life Force.� Reiki is capable of healing anything because it works at very fundamental levels of reality. The level of reality where Reiki operates is the underlying energy structure of matter, as the physical matter we see around us is a solidified form of energy....
Read about it here
What is Reiki?

More factors that influence obesity

Health 24 - Diet, DietDoc's articles: "In addition to each person's individual psychobiological core, cultural factors, which include beliefs and values, life experiences and habits, there are many other factors that can influence whether you're going to gain weight and/or if you're going to lose weight successfully. "

Lifestyle may be key to slowing brain’s aging

The Telegraph Online: "A large body of evidence indicates that people who are mentally active throughout their lives are significantly less likely to suffer senility, and a handful of studies have found that mental exercises can boost brain function. Elderly people who go through training to sharpen their wits, for example, score much better on thinking tests for years afterward. The minds of younger people who drill their memories seem to work more efficiently."

September 05, 2005

Alternative Medicine and Therapies – What, Why and How of it

Alternative Therapies and alternative medicine has been gaining ground along with conventional treatments. Alternative therapies have been practiced for thousand of years especially in the east commonly known as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Modern medicine has replaced such therapies due to its ability to quickly suppress the symptoms and treat the specific physical condition with pharmacological and surgical methods evolved after much research.

However the modern medicine too has severe side effects due to its toxicity and chemical interference in cellular functioning. This has resulted in alternative therapies and alternative medicines gaining ground. The inability of the medical science to quickly tackle the outbreak of immunity related disorders and disease like Aids and SARS have rekindled the interest in alternative therapies.

Alternative therapy and medicine has also gained respectability as more and more clinical trials and research is establishing the efficacy of its treatments.
Alternative therapies have very simple principles.

The body can heal itself. You only need to facilitate the self-healing process.

Prevention is the key to healthy living. The alternative medicinal system stresses on prevention of disease through a change in diet, use of proven herbs and lifestyle changes which while preventing the disease also helps in dealing with the basic cause of any disease.

Each system of alternative medicine has their own complex method of diagnoses and treatment; broadly they focus on balancing the energies in the body as well as the emotional aspects of disease. Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as homeopathy works on the principle of assisting the body to heal itself.

All treatments in alternative therapy use medicines which are directly derived from botanical sources - ingredients in plants. They are generally safe in moderate doses if they are prepared with pure essence of such botanicals and unadulterated with any form of chemicals.
Selecting the right herbal products

There are plenty of spurious products in the market with tall claims. Buy only from the best source after verifying the background and credibility of the company.

Don’t go by claims of miraculous cures. You need to understand how each product works and go by the research available on the herbs along with the traditional history of healing.

Buy the herbal or food supplements only after verifying whether company is meeting with the quality standards and test certifications. Check whether the ingredients on the label are as per the claims on the advertisements.

Plenty of information is available from the website of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or NCCAM website for complementary and Alternative medicine.

A final word of caution while using alternative medicines and therapies, whatever the claims made or facts about the medicinal and curative properties do not stop your regular treatment recommended by a doctor.

It is best to use these products as a preventive and for good health. Do not use the products for symptomatic relief but for therapeutic use.

Use the alternative medicine as complementary or as an adjuvant therapy to your regular medicine. Use of herbal remedies as a preventive or as food and health supplements is the best way to go as you do not run the risk of interference with your regular treatment of any disease or disorder.

Understanding Herbology

"The use of herbs as early forms of medicine or healing aid dates back centuries, as far back as the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, East Indian, Chinese, and many South American Cultures. Herbs are generally safe and like warm sunshine, natural and beneficial to mind, body and spirit, not to mention affordable compared to prescription medicine. Herbs can be listed in three main categories, food, medicinal, and poisonous." Read the full article...

Understanding Herbology

September 04, 2005

Understanding Vegetarianism

"Why would anyone want to be a vegetarian? Well there are many reasons as there are stars in the heavens. Some reasons are for health purposes, religious/spiritual, environmental, and the love and protection of animals. Other reasons may be for very personal ones. No matter the reason, we all meet at the same intersection on the road of health." Read the full article..

Understanding Vegetarianism

September 03, 2005

Fighting Obesity - My Pyramid Dietary Guidelines

If you are fighting the battle of the bulge (overweight and obesity) unsuccessfully, here is good help at hand. You no longer have to depend on unsubstantiated claims and vested commercial weight loss sites for your fight against obesity.

United States Agricultural Department has released dietary guidelines for all Americans to choose a nutrition program based on age, physical activity etc. My Pyramid is an attempt at providing a nutrition and physical activity plan to suit different individual requirements that would help fight overweight and obesity challenge faced by U.S.

My Pyramid is also recognition of the fact that ‘eat less’ suggestions do not have an impact on the weight management. The food pyramid suggested by the agricultural departments is all about moderation and balancing the diets while taking personal responsibility for ones own health.

The dietary guidelines are available to the public at It has detailed guidelines on benefits of physical activities, calories burned with different types of physical activities, tips for increasing physical activities and more interestingly an interactive My Pyramid Tracker for an in-depth assessment of your diet quality and physical activity status.

The tool calculates the food calories/energy balance through inputting your age, sex and physical activities. The tracker is available at
The My Pyramid Dietary Guidelines makes for a very interesting reading for all those who are interested in choosing a healthy lifestyle with a balance of nutrition and exercise. All you need do is to be sincere and implement a good personal plan of action based on the dietary guidelines.

copyright © of R.G. Srinivasan

Wellness Introduction

Wellness is the key to personal empowerment and wealth. Wellness can be described as a synthesis of Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social health and energy projected as the sum total of our lifestyles.

In the fast paced world if you are not at the peak of energy, you are left far behind in the race.
With increasing sickness and the need to lead and enjoy the fruits of development, there is a general realization of the importance of wellness as opposed to sickness. In the forefront of wellness revolution sweeping the globe, Herbal Supplements and Alternate Healing methods play a key role. Herbal supplements with a history of holistic healing are now prominent in any departmental stores and even the local grocers. The alternative medicinal therapies are your insurance against disease.

Here I plan to bring alternative health resources and articles which are the best of the best. Natural, Holistic, Organic with a curative history dating back to centuries.
