November 06, 2005

Proactive Medicine

Alternative therapies are gaining ground. All therapies are more useful as a preventive rather as a cure. Though there have been plenty of empirical evidence of the effectivesess of alternate therapies, clinical trials are still few. However what is assured in alternative therapies is the assurance of negligible side effects. WhileHere is an interesting concept of alternative therapies as proactive medicine.

"Proactive medicine on the other hand aims to maintain homeostasis. That is, it aims to maintain health on the physical, mental and emotional levels. The principle behind proactive medicine is prevention is better than cure. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, patients used to visit their doctors while they were well and healthy and they paid the doctor for his/her services, however, if a patient became ill the treatments were free. The assumption being that the doctor did not do his/her job properly and therefore the patient become ill. Luckily, this is no longer the case, even in China." Read more...

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